Mr. Henry has demonstrated significant achievements within the energy and infrastructure verticals by advancing issues before Congress and the Administration. Michael founded Acorn Consulting on October 1, 2023. Prior to the launch, he was a principal of the Alpine Group – a Top 20 public policy advocacy consultancy and a foundational company within the first publicly traded public policy holding company. Mr. Henry has demonstrated significant achievements within the energy and infrastructure verticals by advancing issues before Congress and the Administration. His background and contacts have shown a durable ability, spanning more than two decades of assisting clients as they realize success in policy matters and securing funding.
Prior to joining the Alpine Group, Mr. Henry served as a senior staff member in the House of Representatives. He left Capitol Hill as a Professional Staff Member for the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. While in that position, Mr. Henry worked on surface transportation issues and pipeline safety and assisted the Committee in its preparation for a surface transportation reauthorization (SAFETEA LU). Prior to that, Mr. Henry was a Professional Staff Member for the House Committee on Resources as the lead oil and gas staffer with responsibility for overseeing the development of Federal public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf. In addition to those duties, Mr. Henry spearheaded conservation legislation for then Chairman Don Young (R-AK) and performed oversight of the Trans Alaska Pipeline. During his tenure within the government, Mr. Henry handled a significant portfolio that included all major energy legislative initiatives.
Mr. Henry’s first position on Capitol Hill was as a Legislative Assistant to Chairman Don Young (R-AK). He earned a Bachelor of Arts in organizational and human resources management at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He was born in Fairbanks, AK and resides in Washington, DC with his wife (Sarah) and their family.